Seestar S50 All-In-One Smart Telescope- Black Friday Sale Price

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Price: £485.00

With the Seestar S50 from ZWO, you can take stunning images of the Moon, Sun, galaxies and nebulae at an affordable price point. The Seestar S50 weighs just 6.6 lbs (3 kg), meaning you can take it truly anywhere. With the free mobile app, you can set up, shoot, and share photos of space in minutes — no astronomy experience or dark skies required!

Who is the Seestar S50 for?
The Seestar S50 is perfect for anyone interested in astronomy, even those with no astronomy experience, like kids. Experienced astronomers, astrophotographers, and electronically-assisted astronomy (EAA) users will find the Seestar S50 refreshingly simple and portable compared to traditional telescope setups. Traditional astrophotography rigs have a steep learning curve, are heavy, and not to mention expensive. The Seestar S50 changes that — it's easy to use, ultra portable, and very affordable for everything it offers.

How does the Seestar S50 work?
The Seestar S50 works by using a built-in telescope, camera, tracking mount, focuser, and more equipment into one unit that pairs with an app on your smartphone. It has four capture modes: Stargazing, Moon, Sun, and Scenery:

Stargazing Mode
In Stargazing mode, the Seestar S50 will first automatically figure out where the telescope is pointing in the sky. Then, using star maps, it can find any object visible from your location and begin tracking it with the built-in mount. It will even recommend the best objects available on any given night!

Once you hit the record button, the Seestar S50 will begin capturing images. For faint objects like galaxies and nebulae, the SeeStar uses a technique called live stacking to brighten the image and reduce noise. As each new image rolls in, the image quality will greatly improve. After just a few minutes, you’ll have an image ready for sharing on social media!

Moon, Sun, & Scenery Modes
In the additional Moon, Sun, and Scenery modes, you can even take videos of the Moon, Sun, and daytime objects like landscapes and wildlife. Be sure to attach the included solar filter when using the Seestar S50 in Sun Mode. The Seestar S50 is not equipped to capture detailed images of planets, but you'll be able to see craters on the Moon and detailed sunspots on the Sun.

Seestar Mobile App & Sky Atlas
The Seestar app is free, and you use it to control the smart telescope and download your images. The app features a star map, image editor, community sharing feature, weather, moon phase, and a database of celestial objects including that night's best targets. The Seestar app is regularly updated by ZWO bringing both software and firmware updates that improve its capabilities and experience.

Telescope & Optics
The Seestar S50 features a high quality, triplet apochromatic refractor telescope that produces ultra-sharp images. Triplet refractors can correct for chromatic aberration, also known as color fringing. Most other smart telescopes in this price range feature a doublet design, which are prone to poor color fringing. The Seestar S50 focal length is 250mm with an aperture of 50mm for a resulting focal ratio of f/5.

Image Sensor
The Seestar S50 uses the popular IMX462 sensor, which produces a full HD 1920x1080 resolution. Paired with this camera, the Seestar S50's focal length produces a desirable field of view of the night sky while still allowing for full disc images of the Moon and Sun. It’s also great for most other popular objects like the Orion Nebula and Andromeda Galaxy. The resulting field of view is 1.29º x 0.73º, which is ideal for capturing a wide variety of deep sky objects.

Tracking Mount
The mount on the S50 is an altitude azimuth mount, or alt-az for short. This mount features the ability to find and track any object in the night sky plus the Sun. Once you select the object you wish to capture, the mount will automatically point to it and keep it centered for long exposure astrophotography.

The Seestar S50 features multiple filters designed to give you the best images possible: a light pollution filter, a solar filter, and a dark frame filter.

Light Pollution Filter
The built-in light pollution filter is a dual-band filter that can capture incredible images of narrowband objects. This includes emission nebulae like the Orion Nebula (M42), planetary nebulae like The Dumbbell Nebula (M27), and supernova remnants like the Veil Nebula (NGC 6960). You can enable the light pollution filter with the tap of a switch within the app settings.

Using the S50 without the Light Pollution Filter
For capturing broadband targets, we recommend leaving the light pollution filter disabled. You’ll get the best results for broadband targets by traveling to a dark location, but it’s by no means required to get good images. Some popular broadband targets include the Andromeda Galaxy (M31), the Hercules Star Cluster (M13), and the Pleiades Star Cluster (M45).

White Light Solar Filter
The solar filter can provide stunning images of the Sun and even reveal details like sunspots on the surface! The solar filter for the Seestar S50 can be found in the case. Unlike the Light Pollution Filter, it is not built in and must be physically mounted onto the front of the SeeStar in front of the lens. Do not point the Seestar S50 at the Sun without the solar filter attached as the image sensor will become permanently damaged.

Dark Frame Filter
The dark filter is automatically used to improve your deep sky images. By taking blank, black images of the noise inherently in the camera, the SeeStar software can subtract this noise from deep sky images, which results in a much cleaner final image.


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